Test Out Curvature's Free ClearView Equipment Assessment | Curvature
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This proprietary analysis provides you with an unbiased view of the risks associated with incorporating an independent support strategy vs. manufacturer support into your IT environment.

Hardware Support Assessment

Your Maintenance Audit

This proprietary analysis provides you with an unbiased view of the risks associated with incorporating an independent support strategy vs. manufacturer support into your IT environment.

  1. A ClearView Assessment begins with your hardware asset list. That list is audited item by item to generate a detailed strategy for each device. Those devices are sorted by color code, indicating which should stay under manufacturer support versus which can and should be moved to a more cost-effective, independent support plan.
  2. Exploration stage comes next. We evaluate how you currently use your equipment and what your future IT strategy looks like. That helps us determine the right manufacturer-neutral strategy for your IT hardware assets.
  3. The final assessment results will identify an immediate reduction in OpEx and identify scenarios where the manufacturer may be suggesting premature hardware upgrades. Now you can decide what is right for you.

The ClearView Process

  • Provide us with a copy of your current asset list
  • That list gets imported into our proprietary tool
  • The tool performs a proximity analysis
  • Your asset list is matched against our data base
  • Feasibility of support on each item is highlighted
  • We identify items where manufacturer support is no longer valuable
  • We compile a comprehensive final report showing risk level related to moving devices to alternative support
Green Curvature Support Suggested: Assets in this category can be moved to Curvature without forfeiting any critical component of support. These products are prime candidates because their firmware / software updates have either ceased or are available separately. We can provide support on devices well beyond the manufacturer’s End-of-Life date. Moving these items to Curvature support results in immediate OpEx reduction, extends the useful life of your hardware, and gives you more control of when you refresh.
Yellow Curvature Support Optional: If you have standardized on a specific firmware / software version, transitioning items to Curvature’s support makes sense. These products have reached a steady state even though updates could still be released. Many manufacturers sell updates separately. Otherwise, you pay a premium for support while not using those updates and end up spending unnecessarily. Some products may have licensing constraints that could impact eligibility.
Red Manufacturer Support Suggested (High risk for any TPM): Products in this category are dependent on their manufacturer for critical elements of service such as license, features, updates, or niche technical support. As these items progress through their lifecycle, they may transition into one of the categories above.


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