Semiconductor Manufacturer | Physical Relocation Case Study | Curvature
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Case Studies

Physical Relocation Case Study

Diversified Global Semiconductor Manufacturer


  • Annual revenue of $15B and a market value of $77B
  • Aggressive acquisition posture; multiple acquisitions in the pipeline
  • Charged with controlling post-acquisition IT infrastructure costs
  • Faced an aggressive timeline to consolidate acquired IT infrastructure into core data centers


  • 10K – 15K devices to be relocated to new mega data centers with short planning and execution runways
  • Required approximately 4K devices moved within a 72-hour window
  • Multiple source to multiple target locations within a single event
  • Consolidation of client’s global footprint of acquired data center locations
  • Client faced internal challenges from business units reluctant to suspend/defer business initiatives in order to accommodate the infrastructure consolidation

Solution Provided

Allowed client to focus on business initiatives by:

  • Coordinating with manufacturers and third-party providers
  • Utilizing internal competencies to assist in data center build-out, readiness, clean out, and disposal activities
  • Leveraged regional and in-country resources to provide consistent data center relocation services globally
  • Assisted client with customs and import requirements
  • Time tested processes, project management methodology, and systems governed each event
  • More than 110 field engineers steeped in the process
  • Specialized IT logistics partners providing secure, climate-controlled monitored transport
  • Able to engage 30 tractor-trailers or chartered aircraft as required

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