The best solutions require asking the right questions. Questions like, “How do you do more with less?” Three years ago, we talked with attendees at this same event. Pressure on resources, budgets, and the need to innovate were top-of-mind, but third-party maintenance...
IT leaders tasked with data storage management are turning to Third-Party Maintenance (TPM) in increasing numbers as they realize the many opportunities to optimize support strategies while reducing operational costs. In a research report entitled “Lower Both Storage...
You know the scene. The family is gathered, the decorations are up and the fork is just inches from your mouth when someone says, “Hey, let’s go around the table and say what we are thankful for!” What are you going to say? Family, friends, health, this food… surely...
Third-party maintenance for server, storage, and network equipment has become a compelling proposition for enterprises seeking cost savings and IT agility. How are Asia Pacific enterprises leveraging third-party support to reduce IT infrastructure costs to fund...
Even though I’ve lived in Asia for a large chunk of the past decade, Thanksgiving remains by far my favorite American holiday. It reminds me of the little and big things we’re thankful for. The “little” things, like waking up and doing a job I...