Gartner Summits: Maximizing Your Experience | Curvature
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Gartner Summits: Maximizing Your Experience

(Revised) The content below was for Gartner ITFiPAM 2014. If you are interested in Gartner ITFiPAM 2016 Speaker Sessions information including Curvature CEO, Mike Sheldon whom is speaking about “Your IT Infrastructure: How to Stay on Budget and Innovate”,  click here:


1.      Attend the keynotes!

A keynote address will set the tone of a conference, and Gartner has some great keynote speakers to look out for at ITFiPAM.

Mike Abrashoff, Former Commander, USS Benfold and Author

What do a Naval commander and your IT procurement strategy have in common? A lot more than you’d think.  As the most junior commanding officer in the Pacific Fleet, Abrashoff was put in charge of a ship that needed a serious refresh. Through a system of management techniques he’s turned into The Leadership Roadmap, Abrashoff was able to triple the rate of military promotions and slash crew operating expenses by 25%. Leaders face challenges in all fields, and IT is no different. Abrashoff will provide tips on how to steer your ship (read: network).

Dan Heath, NY Times Bestselling Author

Author of Best Business Book of the Year “Made to Stick,” Heath describes the idea of “stickiness”—a concept that evaluates what makes an idea memorable or interesting. Now, a Fast Company column that he writes with his brother, Chip, “Made to Stick” is designed to educate businesses on the value of innovative ideas. Heath, the Director at Duke Corporate Education will shows companies how to turn IT innovation into profitable business concepts.


2.      Know your Gartner analysts.

  • Frances O’Brien – Vice President Distinguished Analyst

Where to find her: “Professional Development: Learn the Key Skills That Ensure Your Continued Employment and Personal Success”

  • Stewart Buchanan – Research Vice President

Where to find him: “The Future of ITAM – What will we be doing in 2020?”

  • Deborah R. Wilson – Research Vice President

Where to find her: “Govern and Control IT Costs With SOW Services Procurement Solutions”

  • Michael A. Silver – Vice President Distinguished Analyst

Where to find him: “To the Point: Desktop as a Service – A New Route to BYOD?”


 3.      Do your research.

Summits are made for learning and absorbing, be prepared and fully versed on all exhibitors and speakers prior to the show – this will make solution sourcing for your infrastructure easier. Here’s our list of must-reads from ITFiPAM Analysts:

  • Richard Hunter, Gartner keynote speaker, “The Real Business of IT: How CIOs Create and Communicate Value”
  • Christopher Ambrose, Research Vice President, “Classification of IT Vendors Yields Focused and Effective Performance Management”
  • Mark Fabbi, VP Distinguished Analyst, “How to Reduce Network Equipment Maintenance Costs”
  • Gayla Sullivan, Research Director, “Toolkit: Vendor Management Strategic Road Map, 2014”
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